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What Is the Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification?

Most people are familiar with CPR and First Aid certification programs. These are basic, foundational certifications that are required - or strongly recommended - for a wide range of professionals, … [Read more...]

Who Should Be CPR Certified?

Not being required to have CPR training isn’t an excuse for not learning this important lifesaving skill. There is a growing list of professions in Virginia and North Carolina that require CPR … [Read more...]

Here Are the Best CPR Resources for Teachers

Today's teachers and administrators are well-rounded professionals, as their layers of certifications attest. In addition to the standard teaching credentials required for your target student … [Read more...]

Cost of CPR Certification

The basic training courses offered at the Response Institute include: BLS, ACLS, CPR, First Aid, PALS, AED, and various instructor classes. We also offer some variations of those classes, renewal … [Read more...]

Can You Take a CPR Class Online?

The convenience of online education is great, and we currently offer a variety of online courses for first aid and CPR training; however, we’re strong believers in teaching the hands-on components of … [Read more...]

BLS for Healthcare Providers

Basic life support (BLS) is the medical care given to those with life-threatening injuries until the victim arrives at a hospital where full medical care can be provided. Cardiac arrest or inability … [Read more...]

Why Should You Renew Your CPR Certification?

Taking that initial CPR class is the first step in arming yourself with the tools that could help you save a life. But did you know that less than half of those trained in CPR are able to pass a … [Read more...]

Upcoming Classes and Events for August

Happy August from CPR Consultants & The Response Institute! Initial classes are important, but with technology and science always changing, so is keeping up with your certifications. Here’s our … [Read more...]