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First Aid in the Great Outdoors

Before heading into the great outdoors, it’s probably wise to learn first aid. Too many people step into the forest or onto a boat with little to no first aid training. When medical assistance isn’t … [Read more...]

The Importance of CPR: A Lifesaving Story

It’s one of those stories that you never think will happen to you.Howard Abravanel was playing basketball in Balboa Park – something he’d been doing for fifteen years – when he collapsed on the … [Read more...]

Why Should You Renew Your CPR Certification?

Taking that initial CPR class is the first step in arming yourself with the tools that could help you save a life. But did you know that less than half of those trained in CPR are able to pass a … [Read more...]

What to Look for When Choosing a CPR Class

Many people are required to take an emergency response class for a variety of reasons.  CPR is a very common class needed for professions including medical personnel, lifeguards, school bus drivers … [Read more...]

Upcoming Classes and Events for August

Happy August from CPR Consultants & The Response Institute! Initial classes are important, but with technology and science always changing, so is keeping up with your certifications. Here’s our … [Read more...]