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Upcoming Classes & Events for October

CPR Consultants & The Response Institute have several upcoming classes for October! Does your job require you to know the difference between infant and adult CPR? Get certified by taking our … [Read more...]

The Importance of Learning Infant CPR

There are many things we do in preparation for a child’s arrival into the world. We eat better, stay on track with prenatal checkups, get the nursery ready, and sign up for birthing classes. As new … [Read more...]

What to Look for When Choosing a CPR Class

Many people are required to take an emergency response class for a variety of reasons.  CPR is a very common class needed for professions including medical personnel, lifeguards, school bus drivers … [Read more...]

The Importance of an AED

The stories are all too familiar – someone suffers a cardiac arrest and an AED was not on site to help revive the individual. In fact, only 19 states in the U.S. require that their schools are … [Read more...]