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Rescue Breathing vs. Chest Compression CPR

Touching lips with a stranger is one of the main reasons a person with CPR training refuses to provide CPR to a victim. And who can blame them? Performing mouth-to-mouth puts your own well-being at … [Read more...]

What Age Should Children Learn CPR?

According to the American Heart Association, children as young as nine-years-old can learn and retain CPR training. Though many children at that age do not yet have the strength to perform an adequate … [Read more...]

CPR and Drug Emergencies

The website for International Overdose Awareness Day provides some great step-by-step instructions for what to do if you’re with someone experiencing a drug overdose. The most important thing is to … [Read more...]

Is It Safe to Perform CPR on a Pregnant Victim?

Cardiac arrest can strike anyone at any time. Sadly, that includes pregnant women. Going through a pregnancy puts added strain on the body, which can make dealing with certain illnesses more … [Read more...]

9 Early Warning Signs of Heart Attack

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women and is responsible for 1 in 4 deaths that occur in the United States. 70% of those that die from a heart attack never had a previous … [Read more...]

BLS for Healthcare Providers

Basic life support (BLS) is the medical care given to those with life-threatening injuries until the victim arrives at a hospital where full medical care can be provided. Cardiac arrest or inability … [Read more...]

What to Look for When Choosing a CPR Class

Many people are required to take an emergency response class for a variety of reasons.  CPR is a very common class needed for professions including medical personnel, lifeguards, school bus drivers … [Read more...]