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What Foods Prevent Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attacks?

While there is no magic pill that can keep us from having a heart attack or suffering a cardiac arrest, there are things that we can change about our lifestyle that may decrease our chances. Adopting … [Read more...]

Rescue Breathing vs. Chest Compression CPR

Touching lips with a stranger is one of the main reasons a person with CPR training refuses to provide CPR to a victim. And who can blame them? Performing mouth-to-mouth puts your own well-being at … [Read more...]

How to Tell if Someone Needs CPR

You’re driving down the road and come upon an accident. You’re walking down a path in the park and find someone lying face down in the grass. Someone suddenly keels over and is unresponsive. How do … [Read more...]

Who Should Be CPR Certified?

Not being required to have CPR training isn’t an excuse for not learning this important lifesaving skill. There is a growing list of professions in Virginia and North Carolina that require CPR … [Read more...]

What Is Corporate CPR Training and Why Is It So Important?

Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in adults over the age of 40. The antidote to that startling statistic is this: sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is reversible in most victims if they … [Read more...]

7 Things People Think They Know About CPR that Aren’t True

Movies, television, and outrageous false articles on social media have helped create a few very inaccurate perceptions about both CPR and survival rates. In this article, we’ll highlight a few of the … [Read more...]

Cost of CPR Certification

The basic training courses offered at the Response Institute include: BLS, ACLS, CPR, First Aid, PALS, AED, and various instructor classes. We also offer some variations of those classes, renewal … [Read more...]