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What Do I Need In My First Aid Kit?

The needs of a first aid kit depend largely on the activities at hand, proximity to medical care and number of people involved. A few kids playing in the backyard doesn’t require the same medical kit … [Read more...]

Why Should You Renew Your CPR Certification?

Taking that initial CPR class is the first step in arming yourself with the tools that could help you save a life. But did you know that less than half of those trained in CPR are able to pass a … [Read more...]

10 Quick First Aid Tips

First Aid is one of those tricky skills that you rarely ever need…until, suddenly, you do. Even small medical accidents can be stressful, but knowing how to react can keep a minor problem from taking … [Read more...]

Upcoming Classes & Events for October

CPR Consultants & The Response Institute have several upcoming classes for October! Does your job require you to know the difference between infant and adult CPR? Get certified by taking our … [Read more...]

What to Look for When Choosing a CPR Class

Many people are required to take an emergency response class for a variety of reasons.  CPR is a very common class needed for professions including medical personnel, lifeguards, school bus drivers … [Read more...]

The Importance of an AED

The stories are all too familiar – someone suffers a cardiac arrest and an AED was not on site to help revive the individual. In fact, only 19 states in the U.S. require that their schools are … [Read more...]