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What Is Corporate CPR Training and Why Is It So Important?

Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in adults over the age of 40. The antidote to that startling statistic is this: sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is reversible in most victims if they … [Read more...]

7 Things People Think They Know About CPR that Aren’t True

Movies, television, and outrageous false articles on social media have helped create a few very inaccurate perceptions about both CPR and survival rates. In this article, we’ll highlight a few of the … [Read more...]

Cost of CPR Certification

The basic training courses offered at the Response Institute include: BLS, ACLS, CPR, First Aid, PALS, AED, and various instructor classes. We also offer some variations of those classes, renewal … [Read more...]

Problems with CPR

Over the last two hundred years, modern medicine has made fantastic advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, but several issues persist that are worth discussing. The most jarring problem … [Read more...]

CPR Training for Youth Leaders

Many youth organizations require CPR and first training for adults serving in leadership positions. Many also offer various programs geared to educating kids about CPR. Being in charge of a group of … [Read more...]

CPR and Drug Emergencies

The website for International Overdose Awareness Day provides some great step-by-step instructions for what to do if you’re with someone experiencing a drug overdose. The most important thing is to … [Read more...]

Is It Safe for a Pregnant Mother to Perform CPR?

We’ve already discussed in great detail that it’s perfectly acceptable to administer CPR on a pregnant woman; however, what if the roles are reversed and a pregnant woman needs to give CPR to a … [Read more...]

Is It Safe to Perform CPR on a Pregnant Victim?

Cardiac arrest can strike anyone at any time. Sadly, that includes pregnant women. Going through a pregnancy puts added strain on the body, which can make dealing with certain illnesses more … [Read more...]