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CPR and Drug Emergencies

The website for International Overdose Awareness Day provides some great step-by-step instructions for what to do if you’re with someone experiencing a drug overdose. The most important thing is to … [Read more...]

Is It Safe for a Pregnant Mother to Perform CPR?

We’ve already discussed in great detail that it’s perfectly acceptable to administer CPR on a pregnant woman; however, what if the roles are reversed and a pregnant woman needs to give CPR to a … [Read more...]

Is It Safe to Perform CPR on a Pregnant Victim?

Cardiac arrest can strike anyone at any time. Sadly, that includes pregnant women. Going through a pregnancy puts added strain on the body, which can make dealing with certain illnesses more … [Read more...]

10 Tips to Prevent Drowning

Blissful summer weather is finally right around the corner, which means fun family trips to the pool, river, lake, bay, or ocean. While there’s nothing more refreshing than a dip in the water on a hot … [Read more...]

9 Early Warning Signs of Heart Attack

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women and is responsible for 1 in 4 deaths that occur in the United States. 70% of those that die from a heart attack never had a previous … [Read more...]

Richmond Father Saved By His CPR Trained Children

From time to time, we highlight stories in which CPR has saved a life. While not everyone that receives CPR gets a second chance, we believe it’s important to focus on these positive, life-saving … [Read more...]

Why Should You Renew Your CPR Certification?

Taking that initial CPR class is the first step in arming yourself with the tools that could help you save a life. But did you know that less than half of those trained in CPR are able to pass a … [Read more...]

The Importance of Learning Infant CPR

There are many things we do in preparation for a child’s arrival into the world. We eat better, stay on track with prenatal checkups, get the nursery ready, and sign up for birthing classes. As new … [Read more...]

Baby’s Life Saved by CPR

People often forget that CPR isn't just for adults. CPR saves the lives of children, infants, and even animals every day. In fact 92,000 lives are saved with CPR in the US every year, including … [Read more...]