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What Foods Prevent Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attacks?

While there is no magic pill that can keep us from having a heart attack or suffering a cardiac arrest, there are things that we can change about our lifestyle that may decrease our chances. Adopting … [Read more...]

Rescue Breathing vs. Chest Compression CPR

Touching lips with a stranger is one of the main reasons a person with CPR training refuses to provide CPR to a victim. And who can blame them? Performing mouth-to-mouth puts your own well-being at … [Read more...]

What Is the Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification?

Most people are familiar with CPR and First Aid certification programs. These are basic, foundational certifications that are required - or strongly recommended - for a wide range of professionals, … [Read more...]

How to Tell if Someone Needs CPR

You’re driving down the road and come upon an accident. You’re walking down a path in the park and find someone lying face down in the grass. Someone suddenly keels over and is unresponsive. How do … [Read more...]

What Age Should Children Learn CPR?

According to the American Heart Association, children as young as nine-years-old can learn and retain CPR training. Though many children at that age do not yet have the strength to perform an adequate … [Read more...]

Who Should Be CPR Certified?

Not being required to have CPR training isn’t an excuse for not learning this important lifesaving skill. There is a growing list of professions in Virginia and North Carolina that require CPR … [Read more...]