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What to Look for When Choosing a CPR Class

Many people are required to take an emergency response class for a variety of reasons.  CPR is a very common class needed for professions including medical personnel, lifeguards, school bus drivers and baby sitters.

While there are many classes out there, not all are created equally.   Sign up and take a class form the wrong provider and you might not get the right level of training or certification needed.

new-aha-tc-logoSearch online and you will find dozens of CPR classes offered.  Almost any company or agency can hold a CPR class and print a card.  Before you sign up for a class it is important to know:

  • What level of CPR certification do you need?  The certification a medical provider is required to have can be very different than what is required in another profession.  Make sure you know what level of certification you need before you sign up.  Click here to read about the different types of CPR classes and what each covers.
  • If you are planning to take a CPR class your best bet is to choose a class offered by a certified instructor from an authorized American Heart Association or American Red Cross training center.  If you aren’t sure if your instructor or training center is authorized you should ask before signing up.

Response Institute is in the top 1% of American Heart Association authorized training centers. We offer CPR, first aid, and emergency education classes for health professionals and the general public. We have dedicated training facilities in Raleigh/Durham, NC and Richmond, VA and for group of six or more we will can even come to your facility and teach a class.

Make sure you get the right training.  Contact us for more questions about our classes and schedule.