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The Response Institute COVID 19 – Training Memo

Updated October 16, 2020



Please take every necessary step to ensure the opportunity for spread is kept to a minimum.

Prior to class:

  • All equipment will be wiped down and disinfected in addition to current decontamination protocols
  • Gloves used to set up equipment
  • Wear mask properly, while setting up equipment
  • On website and reminder emails- if anyone is displaying signs of fever and cough or flu-like symptoms, they should not be in class and should consider returning home for self quarantine. We will work with you to reschedule and complete training

As participants arrive: 

  • Participants are required to wear a mask; covering nose and mouth
  • Request that they go wash hands before signing in
  • Seating is spread out to ensure distancing throughout training

Class Set up:

  • No mouth to manikin ventilations will be required, practice simulated breaths
  • When ever someone leaves the class, they will be reminded to wash their hands prior to returning to class – this will include all breaks
  • We will be providing vinyl or nitrile gloves to all participants when practicing with community manikins. (manikins that more than one person will be touching)

Class Conclusion:

  • Manikins will be wiped down with disinfectant prior to returning manikins to bags
  • Instructors will wear gloves when collecting equipment

CPR Consultants Classrooms:

  • All classroom hard surfaces will be disinfected
  • All door handles, sinks, refrigerator doors, light switches and toilets will be disinfected

Thank you for your assistance.