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The Importance of Learning Infant CPR

There are many things we do in preparation for a child’s arrival into the world. We eat better, stay on track with prenatal checkups, get the nursery ready, and sign up for birthing classes. As new parents one important thing that should be added to that list, if it isn’t already, is registering for a CPR class.

Preparing ourselves by taking a CPR class, helps to arm us in the event that something potentially life threatening happens to our child. What if your baby stopped breathing? Would you know what to do? Being a new parent is stressful enough. Being a prepared parent could be the difference between life and death for your child.

infantCPRExamples of when infant CPR might be needed

  • Choking
  • Drowning
  • Electrical shock
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Head trauma or serious injury
  • Lung disease
  • Poisoning
  • SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
  • Suffocation

Infant CPR is Different from Adult CPR

If you’ve already taken an adult CPR class, it’s still important to sign up for a class specifically designed to teach the differentiating skillset needed to administer CPR to an infant. It’s critical to learn signs to look for, and the recommended method of performing CPR as CPR varies from that of an adult in cardiac arrest. CPR performed incorrectly on an infant is potentially harmful.  An infant CPR class will teach the proper techniques to administer CPR correctly and how to spot when it’s needed.

Learn Infant CPR from a Certified Instructor

While there are many self-taught infant CPR books and videos out there, they do not provide parents with the education a certified CPR instructor can. CPR guidelines are continuously changed and improved, so taking a class from a certified instructor ensures you are getting the most up-to-date information available. An in person infant CPR class provides hands-on instruction on infant-sized mannequin. An instructor is readily available to make sure that you are performing each step correctly. It’s easy to ask questions and discuss any concerns. Also, most infant CPR classes also teach parents how to use an AED, and take preventative measures around the home help prevent accidents.

Becoming a new parent is amazing and yet, unpredictable. Taking an infant CPR class can give you that added peace of mind in knowing that you’ll be prepared to act swiftly and accordingly in an unforeseen emergency situation.

The Response Institute offers infant CPR and combined infant & adult CPR classes in Richmond, VA and Raleigh/Durham, NC. We are an American Heart Association certified training center with a network of over 600 experienced, certified emergency training instructors to provide you the best in emergency response education.

It’s never too late to arm yourself with the knowledge of saving a life. Contact us online or at 866-990-2772 to book a class today!

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Sources: National Library of Medicine